Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For those who love sauerkraut

Here is a rye loaf with sauerkraut inside. I took it to a party and it created a sensation. I layer and roll the sauerkraut as if it was a cinnamon roll. If you don't like sauerkraut, make the rye loaf without it; it's a fabulous taste.

This recipe was adapted from Whole Grain Breads by Machine or Hand: 200 Delicious, Healthful, Simple Recipes by Beatrice Ojakangas. She is brilliant, funny and, I'm proud to say, from Northern Minnesota.

Due to my tendonitis, I made the dough in my bread machine (eliminating the baking cycle), but you can do it by hand or in your food processor. Of course, if you do it in the bread machine, be sure to open it during the initial mix to make sure you don't need more water or more flour (forget what the manual says!).

Rye Bread with Sauerkraut
1 C water
2T dark molasses
2 T oil
3/4 C rye flour
2 C bread flour
1/2 C oatmeal (rolled oats)
1 1/2 t baking yeast

Put this in your bread machine and hit "dough", or make according to traditional methods. If you are a new breadmaker, you can find several wonderful learning books on my shelf.

For later: 1/2 c. sauerkraut, or to taste

Variations: add 1 1/2 t caraway seeds
cut molasses and oil down to 1 T
instead of rolling the sauerkraut in, drain and chop it and add 1/2 c. directly into dough. This is how the author does it.

Frugal tips: Buy yeast in a big package at your membership store or by mail order. Everyone says it doesn't keep, but I use a package over a year and I've never had any trouble. Keep it in tupperware in the refrigerator.
Buy flour in 25 lb sacks from your local coop or health food store (organic if you can). Put the whole bag in a garbage bag, label it with magic marker and put it in your freezer. Fill tupperware tubs with it as you need it and store them, labeled, in your cupboard.

I have figured, before the price of wheat rose last summer, that a loaf of organic bread made this way costs me 35 cents. I'll try to refigure it now.

I'm curious to know if you have baked with sauerkraut, or if your ethnic tradition has a specialty to share.

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